Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Projecting love unto others...

Whatever happened to the age-old proverb reminding us, "It takes a village to raise a child." Or "With members of the whole community a child succeeds and thrives." Even the saying, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Where is all the love for others, lending a helping hand, or supporting a friend, neighbor, or co-worker in need.
I am often thrown into a whirl wind of emotions when I see a news story where a young child has been abused, or an elderly person has been robbed or attacked. I even cringe when I see judgement of others at the sight of old clothes, or even a homeless person. So what happened to a community as a whole. Is every one striving for another buck that we've hardened our hearts toward others. Are we moving so fast that we miss what counts the most and that's people.
I am making a stand to see more through the eyes of love, to cherish each individual I see. I vow to open my heart through compassion and understanding. I will help others be all they can be. Even if its a simple kind word or smile, that could be the only positive gesture they've received all year.
The first step to being a positive person starts with yourself. Taking time for a short break, a few moments of silence, or just walking outside to stretch your legs. Decreasing your stress, taking time to care for you shows that you value your life. Which will in turn project value in others.

1 comment:

  1. In my own little world it hardly ever rains

    I’ve never gone hungry, always felt safe

    I got some money in my pocket, shoes on my feet

    In my own little world

    Population: me

    I try to stay awake during Sunday morning church

    I throw a twenty in the plate, but I never give ’til it hurts

    I turn off the news when I don’t like what I see

    Yeah,it’s easy to do when it’s

    Population: me

    What if there’s a bigger picture?

    What if I’m missing out?

    What if there’s a greater purpose

    I could be living right now

    Outside my own little world oooh

    Well, I stopped at a red light, looked out my window

    I saw a cardboard sign, said “Help this homeless widow”

    Above that sign was the face of a human

    and I thought to myself, “God, what have I been doing?”

    So I rolled down the window and I looked her in the eye

    I thought how many times have I just passed her by?

    So I gave her some money then I drove on through

    And my own little world reached

    Population: two

    What if there’s a bigger picture?

    What if I’m missing out?

    What if there’s a greater purpose

    I should be living right now

    Outside my own little world yeah, yeah

    My own little world oooh

    Father break my heart for what breaks Yours

    Give me open hands and open doors

    and put Your Light in my eyes and let me see

    That my own little world is not about me

    What if there’s a bigger picture?

    What if I’m missing out?

    What if there’s a greater purpose

    That I could be living right now

    Well I dont wanna miss what matters

    i wanna be reaching out

    showing the greater purpose

    so I could be living right now

    Outside my own little world oooh

    My own little world yeah

    My own little world oooh

    Great song and message! Mathew West
